Recent Activities

New article on the arXiv: “ S- and D-wave vector charmonia"

New article on the arXiv: “ S- and D-wave vector charmonia"

A. Krassnigg submitted a new article to the arXiv; the title of the article is “Charmed quasi-exotic open-flavor mesons”, which was written together with T. Hilger . More details and the submission itself can be found on arXiv at

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A. Krassnigg Gave a Talk at FAIRNESS2017

A. Krassnigg Gave a Talk at FAIRNESS2017

On May 30th 2017, A. Krassnigg gave an invited talk titled "Fundamental approaches to hadron spectroscopy" at the FAIRNESS2017 Workshop, Sitges, Spain, during 29th May - 2nd June 2017. You can get a .pdf version of Andreas' talk from our downloads page. For more...

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A. Krassnigg Gave a Talk at ACHT2016

A. Krassnigg Gave a Talk at ACHT2016

On October 6th 2016, A. Krassnigg gave a talk titled "Something old, something new, and more from the DSBSE approach" at the ACHT2016 Workshop, Čakovec, Croatia, during 5th - 7th October 2016, . You can get a .pdf version of Andreas' talk from our downloads page. For...

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T. Hilger Gave a Talk at Confinement XII

T. Hilger Gave a Talk at Confinement XII

On August 29th 2016, T. Hilger gave a talk titled "Properties of exotic and non-exotic quark-bilinears within the Dyson-Schwinger–Bethe-Salpeter equation approach" at the Confinement XII conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, during 29th August - 3rd September 2016. You...

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New article on the arXiv: “Quasi-exotic open-flavor mesons"

New article on the arXiv: “Quasi-exotic open-flavor mesons"

[Edit: The article has been published in Eur. Phys. J. A online at Eur. Phys. J. A 53: 142, 2017 A view-only online full-text version is available through this link: (via Springer Nature SharedIt initiative)] A. Krassnigg submitted a new article to...

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A. Krassnigg Gave a Talk at FAIRNESS2016

A. Krassnigg Gave a Talk at FAIRNESS2016

On February 18th 2016, A. Krassnigg gave a talk titled "The DSBSE approach to hadrons" at the FAIRNESS2016 Workshop, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, during 14th - 19th February 2016, . You can get a .pdf version of Andreas' talk from our downloads page. For more...

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T. Hilger Gave a Talk at Dresden-Rossendorf

T. Hilger Gave a Talk at Dresden-Rossendorf

On December 7th 2015, T. Hilger gave a talk titled "Dyson-Schwinger-Bethe-Salpeter Equation Approach to Open Flavor Mesons" at Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany. You can get a .pdf version of Thomas' talk from our downloads page. For more information about presentations...

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