Covariant Models of Hadrons
Research group at the Institut f. Physik, University of Graz
Welcome to the heart of the visible matter in the universe
Fun Fact: The Mass of the Proton comes from:
- Higgs Boson 2%
- Dynamical Chiral Symmetry Breaking 98%
The Theoretical Particle Physics Department of the Institute of Physics at the University of Graz is a leading force in the Austrian Hadron Physics community. Several different kinds of methods cover the entire field.
Graz is a city of perfect size for a good work-life balance, has a nice climate and good weather – well, for most of the time. Culture, science and business are known to mix very well and inspire and cross-fertilize one another.
Our institute annually organizes the renowned Winter School for Theoretical Physics in Schladming, Austria. Among the physicists who worked here are Erwin Schroedinger, Viktor Franz Hess, and Ludwig Boltzmann.
Young Talent
Young researchers are at the heart of every scientific field. Our research group proudly builds on this resource, also in association with the institute’s FWF doctoral program “Hadrons in Vacuum, Nuclei and Stars”.