
ACHT2015 Workshop

ACHT2015 Workshop

This year's Austria-Croatia-Hungary-Triangle (ACHT) workshop is organized by T. Hilger and A. Krassnigg to be held in Leibnitz, Austria, October 7th - 9th, 2015. For more information, please visit the ACHT2015 workshop webpage.

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Project Steering Workshop 2

Project Steering Workshop 2

The project team met for the second steering workshop of FWF-project P25121 from April 9th to 11th  2014 at the home of the group in Graz. We were able to coordinate and discuss present and future efforts, welcome a new member to the team (Welcome, Thomas!), and meet...

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Project Steering Workshop 1

Project Steering Workshop 1

The first steering workshop of FWF-project P25121 took place from January 8th to 10th  2014 at the home of the group in Graz. We were able to coordinate our ideas and efforts for the near future and learned a lot from each other as well. A big thank you goes to all...

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